Enrollment: Schools of Choice

Schools of Choice Applications

The Lamphere Schools, Madison Heights, MI will participate in unlimited Schools of Choice for the 2025/2026 school year for students (JK - 12) who reside in Oakland County Schools Districts other than Lamphere Schools and contiguous counties.

Our application period will run March 31 through August 13, 2025. 

Apply here >>> Schools of Choice Application - 2025/2026

For additional information
please call Sarah Garcia (248) 589-1990 ext. 212020 or email enrollment@lamphereschools.org


Schools of Choice applicants are required to obtain additional information from previous schools in order to be considered for enrollment at Lamphere Schools. Once you have completed your application, it is your responsibility to request records and have a school official from your former school fax (248-589-2618) or email (enrollment@lamphereschools.org) the following documents: 

  • Grades K-8, student’s most recent report card and behavior record.

  • For grades 9-12, student’s most recent report card, transcript and official behavior record.

For all Schools of Choice enrollments, the District reserves the right to refuse to enroll any nonresident applicant if that applicant is or has been suspended from another district within the preceding two (2) years or if the applicant has ever been expelled from another district.

Students enrolled through Schools of Choice are eligible for continued enrollment in Lamphere Schools through grade 12 as long as their enrollment in Lamphere is continuous.

For additional information, contact our Enrollment office, Monday - Friday from 9 am to 4 pm. 
Phone: (248) 589-1990 ext. 212020 Email: enrollment@lamphereschools.org

Why Choose Lamphere

  • Outstanding K through 12th grade academic program

  • Award winning schools

  • Leader in the use of educational technology; 1:1 Technology

  • State-of-the-art technology equipment in every classroom

  • State recognized K-12 instrumental music program

  • World language instruction

  • Full day Kindergarten program

  • Elementary Physical Education, Art, Music, Tech Lit & S.T.E.M.

  • Award winning K-12 Fine Arts program

  • Full range of athletics, student clubs and activities

  • Active parent participation and supportive community

  • Early Childhood Education Center - Preschool/GSRP

  • Before and after school child care

  • Free breakfast and lunch provided to all students

Be sure to check out what else Lamphere Schools has to offer your family!

Frequently Asked Questions